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28 Oktober 2009

Ascii Key Codes | Virtual Keyboard – Keyboard Shortcut | Simulating Key Event | Visual Basic

28 Oktober 2009

As a programmer, I’m quite new to Visual Basic (VB) and as autodidact. So, sometimes there are many problems when it was working or has been making a particular application wich needed keyboard shortcuts. Some of the problems: Ascii Key Codes, Key Event, etc. Its mean when needed function of one or combinations of buttons keyboard, I've been feeling dizzy.

So, to facilitate the making of an application that requires a Key Event, Keyboard Shortcut and Ascii Key Codes, I have tried and made this simple application.

Visual Basic | Ascii Key Codes | Key Event: Key Down, Key Press, Key Up | Simple Keyboard Simulation | Simple Virtual Keyboard
I think this is a simple keyboard simulation to assign keyboard functions wich indicate some Key Events to represent a particular command

Let more clearly and for anyone who wants to try and need this simulation, can to get it by downloading here.

Hopefully helpful….!!!

5 komentar:

taris mengatakan...

Wah bahasa rumit nih..sob...saya biar makai aja. Teruskan perjuangannya sob

NURA mengatakan...

salam sobat
trims banget infonya
terus terang saya baru tahu Key ASCII, VIRTUAL KEYBORD dll, setelah baca artikel sobat.

×÷·´¯`·.·•[ peace ]•·.·´¯`·÷× mengatakan...

Kirain cuman ID yahoo aja yang isa di buat ASCII ngga taunya......waduh ma'af kang newbie lum seberapa ngerti..hiks hiks...

BMI mengatakan...

Wahhh...keren nich postingnya izin aq serap ya infonya...sukses selalu ya...

► LOL1ds ◄ mengatakan...

Perlu di Uji Coba nich ^_*
thanks Ilmunya :)

best regards,


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